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Hatsan 900X Air Rifle .22 Inc Moderator
The Breaker 900X is the latest spring powered model from Turkish maker Hatsan, and it’s a fairly compact, traditional break barrel format with an impressive specification. Ambidextrous sporter stock, carbine barrel, integral silencer, Truglo fibre optic open sights, two-stage trigger, and more besides – all for a disarmingly low RRP. Pick up the Breaker and first impressions are very favorable indeed, with a solid dependable feel, and a level of finish that seemingly belies the asking price. So let’s see what it’s made of. Ambidextrous styling is all the rage these days, and whilst it can be something of a compromise, there are advantages to be had. A general purpose sporting gun such as the Breaker 900X, will benefit in that juniors and novices will be equally at home when they shoulder this model, whether left- or right-handed.
Jake C. (verified owner) –
Chris C. (verified owner) –
Paul (verified owner) –